| Documenting Spain: Artists, Exhibition Culture, and the Modern Nation, 1929-1939 |
Based upon years of archival research, Mendelson’s book opens a new perspective on the cultural politics of a turbulent era in modern Spain. It explores the little-known yet rich intersection between avant-garde artists and government institutions. It shows as well the surprising extent to which Spanish modernity was fashioned through dialogue between the seemingly opposed fields of urban and rural, fine art and mass culture. http://www.psupress.org/books/titles/0-271-02474-7.html

| | | Un estudio seminal de Jordana Mendelson: Documenting Spain | | Román Gubern - Val del Omar, cinemista (2004) | | Val del Omar y las Misiones Pedagógicas (2003) | | Galaxia Val del Omar (2002) | | Insula Val del Omar (1995) | | Val del Omar sin fin (1992) | | Tientos de erótica celeste (1992) |